Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Adopt a kitty?

While staying at home, my sister found a kitten that she wants to rescue. She just arrived back from Rome however and doesn't yet have a new place or job. She's figuring it'll be a month or two before that is beat out. A shelter is coming to get the kitty, but it's a shelter that puts animals down. My sister is desperate to find the cat a temporary home until she can take it. Anybody interested in saving a life for a month or two? This is mostly directed at Demetriou, Jay, and Kristi. She's apparently really friendly.


Kristi said...

I am terribly allergic.

Dan Liuzzi said...

Yeahhh...... I'm also "allergic".....

Nah, I just hate cats. Good luck finding a home though!

Demetriou said...

I hate cats, but I don't want them to die. However, I am also allergic. Sorry Goeff.

Jason said...

Geoff... I would love to take it... but my roommate Dan Demetriou doesn't think I am responsible enough... so I can't. If you really can't find someone I could ask my parents if they are interested though.

Geoff said...

Well, I saw my sister today, and it sounds likes he'll be fine, the shelter is very confident he'll find a home. He's very personable and playful.

Thank you guys for considering though.