I've been looking at buying a house recently. A main part of my down payment is to come from investments. When I received my most recent statement, I saw that my investments dropped about 8% in one month. Damn Elections.
In related news the stock market dropped 400 points the day after elections citing "Investors Weary of an Obama Presidency.". The following day, it dropped about 390 points, and it dropped 410 points today.
To that end...I say....
If it makes you feel better Michael T, I just checked my 401K and I've lost $300.00 in the last month and a half, prompting me to take a large amount of my money and move it to a money market, further hurting our economy.
I just find it pretty hilarious you're blaming just Obama for the market's activities. You think the stock markets would SURGE if McCain won? McCain LOST his lead coming off the RNC due to, as many have pointed out, the major economic problems that hit. Noone trusted him on the economy. He said himself "The economy is something I don't understand as well as I should" and other quotes he had to backpeddle on about the economy still being strong despite all other signs, etc etc.
I'm not claiming that I know a lot of economic policy myself, here. I do find it funny that when things go bad, it's the new Democratic President Elect's fault. But it's Congress that has the real power! If something goes wrong, it's the Congress' fault. Unless it's a Republican Congress. Then it's the Democratic President. Basically, it's wherever Democrats are in power, THAT's where the blame lies. Yeah.
I agree witb Liuzzi on that Michael T... the market would suck no matter who the president was... that isn't Obama's fault.
*Liuzzi/Jason virtual high five* !
Democratic Congress for the past 2 years, Democratic President-Elect. Just sayin'
I'm not saying if McCain was voted in, it would have surged. I didn't mention McCain, or any other Presidential Candidate for that matter. I just said the headline I read was "Market Drops on Investors Weary of Obama Presidency." Interpret it as you will.
And it takes 9 months to a year for economic changes to take effect. So in a year, when the policies that Bush put into effect NOW start to turn around the economy, everyone will be praising Obama, thinking he did. I guarantee it, and will probably come back to this post to confirm it.
If Bush knew what he was doing with the economy, Mike... he was in office for 8 years. It takes 9 months for his "policies" to go into effect, according to you. So he had HOW many years for our economy to avoid his (kinda) recession?
But just wait... NEXT year! OK, he didn't do anything for 8 years to help us stay out of this recession. (In fact, many argue he helped cause this.) BUT NEXT year, things will get better, you'll see! And if it doesn't... umm... then its the Democratic Congress and President's fault!
It's these extreme secular liberal socialists! Everything is their fault! Screw you guys, I'm gonna go listen to Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and have all my irrational fears confirmed!
Michael T... once again Liuzzi is right. You say you hate 'big government' but Bush is all about it!! Look back to when our economy was strongest... you have to go all the way back to the Clinton adminstration, which coincidentally was the last time a Democrat held the highest office. Since Bush took over everything has gone downhill. What is worse, there have been PLENTY of signs of this happening and Bush just refused to address it. If and when the economy recovers, you can't give Bush credit. That would just be moronic
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