Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Video #3, Because All Good Things Come In Threes Or Whatever..

This is one of my favorite videos.   I think I peed a little when I first saw it, I love it so much.   It's audio from a (supposedly very bad) horror movie called "Wicker Man," paired along with video from.... well, you'll see.

The original footage, in case you were wondering, was Nicholas Cage with this torture helmet dealy on, and people pouring bees in it.  Not a funny scene.  Unless it's paired up with Mega Man footage.


Jason said...

Megaman is probably my favorite video game of all time... hence making that footage pretty damn funny... on a side note, Liuzzi, Demetriou says to ask you about a funny story from gym class in high school involving you, demetriou and the little kid named pete??

Dan Liuzzi said...

Demetriou should know better than to expect me to remember something that happened almost 10 years ago. I have NO idea what he's referring to...

Geoff said...

Megaman, classic! Wicker Man, not so much.