Monday, August 18, 2008

Because I've Become Re-Obsessed with Arrested Development.

This is for Jason, so he can laugh at the click of a button:

This one I found online and thought I'd post because it combines two things we love.  (I'm thinking mostly of J and Demetriou, but if anyone appreciates it, I'm glad)

I hope you guys like this one.  I don't know.  I think it's hilarous.  It's Will Arnett acting like GOB (basically), but just a... NC-17 version of him, haha.  It's absolutely disgusting.  


Demetriou said...

I love it Liuzzi... The funniest scene ever in any TV show... I can watch that all day everyday forever

Demetriou said...

This is the real Dan Demetriou. Although I do find the videos funny, the last comment was made by Jason Hamilton, signed on under my username.