Monday, June 23, 2008

Mario Kart Wedding Cake Makes Me Want to Marry.

This is a delicious wedding cake, presumably of the coolest couple to live on this planet.

At first glimpse, you might think this is a generic Mario-themed cake, judging by the Princess Peach castle and such.   But you'd be wrong.   Oh, how you'd be wrong.  Notice the middle portion... what's that they're riding on, you ask?   That's Rainbow Road, my friend!  Below that?  Sherbet Land, perhaps?  And below that?  .....I dunno, Yoshi Circuit or some crap.  One of the boring Mushroom Cup tracks that I would never play except for when Demetriou pulls his "C'mon guys, let's play them all!" BS.

In my opinion, all this cake is missing is a giant Waluigi sitting on top, saying "Waluigi's the winner!" and dancing with a giant Hammer-Bot, who's throwing Dr. Mario pill trash down from above, crushing all competition.

For a bunch of awesome close-ups, including one of Toad (Penrith) and Luigi (Jason), click the picture above to go to the Flickr page.   

Addendum #1: I found ANOTHER cake right after I typed this whole entry.  Go here to check that one out, too!

Addendum #2:  Haha, while we're on the subject of Mario Kart, I found this image fun (click it for more images of it's kind)


Jason said...

That is a classic cake!! I love how Toad (Penrith) is about to get destroyed by a chompers. Such a subpar character, especially compared to the loveable guy in green, Liuuugi. Anyway, you gotta find a Dr. Mario cake, with Jellybob standing on top holding a trophy up proudly... Now THAT would be a cake!!

Anonymous said...

I think a Mario Party cake would be the absolute ultmate.

With Yoshi and top with a big star above his head saying, "You're the Superstar!" cause we all know that's how it'd all go down folks. You may have the Bumper Balls and Mushroom Mix-up, but I got the fundamentals such as Skateboard Scamper, Crazy Cutter, Platform peril, etc. It's on!

P.S. Nice blog!

Kristi said...

This begs the question, why are you looking at wedding cakes?

Kristi said...
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