Friday, June 27, 2008

Not so lucky this time

Remember when we went to Atlantic City for Liuzzi's 21st, and Jason and I were so happy we won money? Those were the days. Unfortunately, we didn't do so well on Thursday night. After writing the painful checks to Becky earlier in the day, we decided to go to Atlantic City to win back our money...seems like a flawless plan, right?! Long story short, I lost $50 and Jason lost $300. We treated ourselves to Phily diner afterwards, of course, to lift our spirits. This, after buying wings and french fries for lunch. A day of spending (and losing) money and eating junk lead to a decision for us to not spend any money on food or drinks beginning in July and lasting until the vacation in August (except for the Yankees game, if we go in July). That will be good for the health of our bodies and our bank accounts. That being said, we're hosting a power hour this Saturday night if anybody wants to come (it's allowed, it's still June).

1 comment:

Ollec12 said...

Thats a shame. I'll come out and say that I had an itch Tuesday night. I went to AC for 2 hours and won 660 bucks.

I am sorry Dan Demetriou and Jason Hamilton, though.

Poor Demetriou.

Poor Jason.